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Expert Bridge Simplified - Arithmetic Shortcuts for Declarer

Expert Bridge Simplified - Arithmetic Shortcuts for Declarer
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Price: AU$ 44.95
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Author: Rubens, J

After mastering the basic techniques for declarer, bridge players improve by applying those procedures more effectively. The most common question among those who study declarer's craft is: "How do I calculate the odds?" Even experienced players sometimes struggle with reevaluating chances, restricted choice, and drawing inferences from cards played by the opponents.
This book demystifies bridge mathematics and puts it in its proper place. Basic ideas point to preferred lines of play, but complicated and exact calculations are downplayed. Practical players will learn how to win through the use of "shortcuts," while those intrigued by the theory will find useful.
This books lighthearted approach emphasizes that the effort to find the best move should never be allowed to interfere with having fun.

Last Updated: Thursday, 26 December 2024 18:41