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Bridge Hands to make You Laugh..and Cry

Bridge Hands to make You Laugh..and Cry
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Price: AU$ 24.00
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Author: Bird, D & Sarantakos, N

Two of the world’s leading bridge players have compiled an entertaining and instructive guide sure to delight players keen to improve their game. (And what player isn’t?) Sit back and enjoy the hands and the stories of some truly extraordinary deals, nearly all of which come from the very highest level of the game. Sometimes the brilliant plays that unfold on these pages succeeded, but then points were lost because of a huge disaster at the other table. On other deals an apparent disaster gained points because the other table suffered an even worse accident. By studying—and, let’s admit it, vicariously enjoying—other players’ misfortunes, bridge lovers will successfully avoid these debacles themselves.

Last Updated: Friday, 14 March 2025 09:30


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