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Bridge Battle of the Century

Bridge Battle of the Century
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Price: AU$ 55.00
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Author: Raines H

"The Bridge Battle of the Century" is the most amusing book about a serious subject that I've ever read. For I'm sure that all players worthy of the name will agree that no more serious topic exists than contract bridge. A little while ago, in self-defense, I decided to take up contract bridge. I had to do this because all my old friends had permanently abandoned checkers, dominoes, squat tag and ring-around-the-rosie. I went to fifty acquaintances for advice about contact. Eleven advised me to adopt the A system, ten the B, eight the C, seven the D, and five the E, with nine split ballots. Since then I have been lying awake nights brooding about systems. After reading Mr. Raines' book I came to the conclusion that I would invent my own method of play. This will be somewhat radical, because it will necessitate a private conference between myself and partner just before the bidding starts. But I'm certain that if this system is picked up it will prove the most efficient and economical one going, and will displace all others. I hope that readers of "The Bridge Battle of the Century" will find as much originality and enjoyable buffoonery in it as I did. I recommend it equally to contract players, reformed contractors and bridge celibates." [from forreword by John Held, Jr., New York City, January 16, 1932]

Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 October 2024 00:47