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Practice and Quizzes

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Barrow, R Acol-ites Quiz Author: Barrow, R Date:1970 Pages:197 AU$ 10.00
Barrow, R Acol-ites Quiz Author: Lederer, R AU$ 12.00
Barrow, R Acol-ites Quiz Author: Lederer, R AU$ 8.00
Beachcroft, Charles Porten Auction Bridge Nuts, Cracked and Uncracked Year:1927 Pages:296 Format:hbj Edition:1 Publisher:Hutchinson, London AU$ 40.00
Bergen, M Bergen`s Best Bridge Quizzes Vol 1 Author: Bergen, Marty Date:2003 Pages:80 AU$ 14.00
Bridge World Challenge The Champs - Book 1 Author: Bridge World AU$ 20.00
Bridge World Challenge The Champs - Book 1 Author: Bridge World AU$ 16.00
Bridge World Challenge The Champs - Book 3 Author: Bridge World AU$ 15.00
Bridge World Challenge The Champs - Book 7 Author: Bridge World AU$ 10.00
Bridge World Challenge The Champs - Book 8 Author: Bridge World AU$ 10.00
Browne, Derrick Advanced Bridge: Contested Auctions 8 chapters with quiz, hands to bid, 4 hands to play AU$ 16.95
Cappelletti, M 100 Bridge Problems Author: Cappelletti, M Date:2004 Pages:224 AU$ 22.00
Clark Boyden and prescott Warren 40 Hands Illustrating Culbertson System Author: Clark Boyden and prescott Warren AU$ 45.00
Cohen, B Acol Quiz Cohen, B Year:1963 Pages:96 Format:pb Edition:1 Publisher:Allen & Unwin, London AU$ 10.00
Cohen, B Bridge Quiz Author: Cohen, B Date:1975 AU$ 8.00
Cohen, L Larry teaches Defense Author: Cohen, L Date:2015, 64 pages, spiral bound. AU$ 24.95
Cohen, Larry Larry teaches 2 over 1 Game Forcing Author: Cohen, L Date: 2012, 64 pages. AU$ 24.95
Cohen, Larry Larry teaches Doubles (and Redoubles) Author: Cohen, L Date:2013, 64 pages, spiral bound. AU$ 24.95
Courtenay, Dudley Play Bridge and Like it! spiral bound p48 AU$ 20.00
David Bird & Tim Bourke Avoidance Play Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Deceptive Play Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Defending Notrump Contracts Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Defending Suit Contracts Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Elimination Plays Paperback, 105pp, 2004 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Endplays and Coups Paperback, 105pp, 2004 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Entry Management Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Planning Notrump Contracts Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Planning Suit Contracts Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Reading the Cards Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke Safety Plays Paperback, 105pp, 2005 AU$ 19.95
David Bird & Tim Bourke The Simple Squeeze Paperback, 105pp, 2004 AU$ 19.95
England, Frank Bridge Tips and Test Hands Year:1932 Pages:100 Format:hbj Edition:1 Publisher:Bodley Head, London AU$ 25.00
English Bridge Union Really Easy Practice 1 Author: English Bridge Union Date:1999 Pages:138 AU$ 25.00
Ewen, R The Defensive Bidding Quiz Book Author: Ewen, R Date:1980 Pages:105 AU$ 12.00
Foster, Robert Frederick Vanity Fair's Bridge Problems Year:1932 Pages:198 Format:hbj Edition:1 Publisher:Liveright, New York AU$ 85.00
Goren, Charles Goren`s Bridge Quizzes Author: Goren, Charles Date:1949 AU$ 12.00
Hacketts Practise Your Weak Twos Author: Hacketts P Date:1997 Pages:16 AU$ 8.00
Huggett, D Practise Your Transfer Bidding Author: Huggett, D Date:1997 Pages:16 AU$ 8.00
Kantar, Edwin B A New Approach to Play and Defense Year:1986 Pages:204 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:H D L, Costa Mesa, Ca AU$ 24.00
Kantar, Edwin B A New Approach to Play and Defense Volume 2 Year:1987 Pages:205 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:H D L, Costa Mesa, Ca AU$ 24.00
Kelsey, Hugh Test Your Card Play - 1 Year:1990 Pages:80 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:Gollancz, London AU$ 30.00
Kelsey, Hugh Test Your Trump Control Year:1981 Pages:80 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:Gollancz, London AU$ 15.00
Klinger, Ron Bridge Without Error Year:1981 Pages:128 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:Gollancz, London AU$ 30.00
Klinger, Ron Ron Klinger's Master Class Year:2004 Pages:128 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:Cassell, London AU$ 20.00
Klinger, Ron & Kambites, Andrew Card Play Made Easy 2 Know Your Suit Combinations Year:1997 Pages:96 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:Gollancz, London AU$ 25.00
Klinger, Ron & Kambites, Andrew Card Play Made Easy 4/Timing and Communication Year:1999 Pages:96 Format:paper Edition:1 Publisher:Gollancz, London AU$ 28.00
Kumar, Rakesh, K. A Swiss Teams Challenge Kumar, Rakesh, K. 2022 Soft cover 214 pages AU$ 29.95
Larone, JN Bidding Problems no 1 Author: Larone, JN Date:1998 Pages:82 AU$ 20.00
Lederer, Rhoda & Griffiths, David C Winning Ways at Bridge Year:1993 Pages:173 Format:paper Edition:2 Publisher:Collins Willow, London AU$ 20.00
Lenz, Sidney Samuel & Rendel, Robert How's Your Bridge? Year:1929 Pages:227 Format:hbj Edition:1 Publisher:Simon & Schuster, New York AU$ 35.00

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Last Updated: Sunday, 09 March 2025 19:54


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