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A.Alekhine, A.Nimzowitsch, R Spielman etc. Semmering 1926 Author: A.Alekhine, A.Nimzowitsch, R Spielman etc. Date:1969 Pages:100 AU$ 30.00
A.C.White Xmas series- 1910 - A.C.White The White Rooks Stround - The Chess Amateur - 1910 Author: A.C.White Xmas series- 1910 - A.C.White Date:1910 Pages:210 AU$ 180.00
A.C.White Xmas series- 1911 - A.C.White Running the Gauntlet. Stroud, Chess Amateur 1911 Author: A.C.White Date:1911 Pages:269 AU$ 200.00
A.C.White Xmas series- 1912 - A.C.White The Theory of Pawn Promotion. Stroud - The Chess Amateur 1912 Author: A.C.White Xmas series- 1912 - A.C.White Date:1912 Pages:247 AU$ 220.00
A.C.White Xmas series- 1915 - A.C.White Tasks & Echoes. Stroud ,The Chess Amateur 1915 Author: A.C.White Xmas series Date:1915 Pages:223 AU$ 300.00
A.C.White Xmas series- 1919 - P.H.Williams, R.Gevers All Change here! Stroud, the Chess Amateur 1919 Author: A.C.White Xmas series- 1919 - P.H.Williams, R.Gevers Pages:395 AU$ 200.00
A.C.White Xmas series- 1926 - H.Weenik The Chess Problem. Stroud, office of the "Chess Amateur" 1926 Author: A.C.White Xmas series- 1926 - H.Weenik Pages:318 AU$ 200.00
American Chess Bulletin American Chess Bulletin Volumes 1-6 1903-7 Author: American Chess Bulletin AU$ 600.00
American Chess Bulletin CHE American Chess Bulletin Volumes 5 & 6 1908-9 Author: American Chess Bulletin AU$ 200.00
Anderson Graham, P. Mr Blackburne`s Games At Chess Author: Anderson Graham, P. Pages:344 AU$ 180.00
Bird, H.E. Chess Novelties Author: Bird, H.E. Date:1895 Pages:304 AU$ 150.00
Bird. H.E. Chess History & Reminiscences London 1893 Author: Bird. H.E. AU$ 250.00
Birmingham, EH Staunton`s Chess-Player`s Handbook Author: Birmingham, EH Date:1915 Pages:541 AU$ 50.00
C.E.Rankin - editor Chess Players Chronicle 1881 Author: C.E.Rankin - editor AU$ 120.00
Cavendish The Laws and Practice of Chess Author: Staunton, H & Wormald, R Date:1881 Pages:509 AU$ 90.00
Chalupetzky.F. & Florian.T Tschigrin Gedenkturnier. Hungary 1947 Author: Chalupetzky.F. & Florian.T Date:1950 AU$ 120.00
Cheron. Andre. Les Echecs Artistiques. Payot & Co. Paris, 1934 Author: Cheron. Andre. AU$ 65.00
Chess Algebraic Chess Volume 49A Author: Chess Algebraic AU$ 30.00
Clarke.P.H. Mikhail Tal`s Best Games of Chess. (Londonj. Bell & sons 1961) Author: Clarke.P.H. Date:2002 Pages:192 AU$ 275.00
Cozens, W.H. Tal since 1960, BCM quartlerly No 16. Author: Cozens, W.H. Date:1974 Pages:106 AU$ 100.00
Cyrano Chess Tattoo Resumed. Caissa, Copenhagen 1978 Author: Cyrano AU$ 40.00
Depasquale, Chris My 60 Memorable Columns Author: Depasquale, Chris Date:1995 Pages:123 AU$ 45.00
Du Mont, J 200 Miniature Games of Chess Du Mont, J Second impression 1942 286p HC Terrible condition AU$ 35.00
E.Bogoljubow, A Nimzowitch etc Breslau 1925 Author: E.Bogoljubow, A Nimzowitch Date:1977 Pages:72 AU$ 30.00
Euwe Max From My Games (Bell & Sons 1946, 1st reprtint of 1938 work) Author: Euwe Max Date:1975 Pages:245 AU$ 60.00
Freeborough.E.& Ranken.C.E.- BCM openings editors ( Wallis.F.J,& Kellner.J.V.-by hand) Chess Openings, Ancient and Modern. London 1893 Author: Freeborough.E.& Ranken.C.E.- BCM openings editors ( Wallis.F.J,& Kellner.J.V.-by hand) AU$ 600.00
Golombek, H The Game of Chess Author: Golombek, H Pages: 297 3rd Edition 1980 AU$ 30.00
Griffiths, P Improving your Chess Author: Peter Griffiths Year: 1980 Pages: 104 Soft cover. AU$ 10.00
Hoffer.L & Zukertort.J.H. The Chess Monthly Vol 2 1880-1881 Author: Hoffer.L & Zukertort.J.H. AU$ 200.00
Hooper, D & Whyld, K The Oxford Companion to Chess Author: Hooper, D & Whyld, K Date:1996 Pages:496 AU$ 60.00
Hooper.D & Winter.W World Chamionship Candidates 1953. K.Whyld England Nov` 1953. Author: Hooper.D & Winter.W Date:1953 Pages:96 AU$ 50.00
Horowitz. I.A. et. al Chess Review Aug-Dec 1944, (4 issues complete) 1945 (10 issues, Author: Horowitz. I.A. et. al AU$ 1 000.00
Hoyle Edmond Mr. Hoyles Games of Chess Whist Quadrille, Piquet, Chess & Backg Author: Hoyle Edmond Pages:232 AU$ 500.00
Hoyle Edmond & J.G.Pohlman Hoyles Games (1807)& Whist Rendered familiar (1827) Author: Hoyle Edmond & J.G.Pohlman AU$ 300.00
Hoyle, Edmond Hoyles Games Improved; Whist, Quadrlle, Piquet, Chess, Backgammo Author: Hoyle, Edmond AU$ 350.00
Hunvald, H Chess: Quotations from the Masters Author: Henry Hunvold Year: 1972 Pages: 62 Hard cover with dust jacket AU$ 20.00
J. Du Mont The Basis of Combination in Chess Author: J. Du Mont Date:1978 Pages:213 AU$ 150.00
Karpov, Anatoly Chess at the Top 1979-1984. (Pergamon, 1984) Author: Karpov, Anatoly Date:1984 Pages:196 AU$ 200.00
Karpov, Anatoly Chess is My Life. (Pergamon, 1980) Author: Karpov, Anatoly Date:1979 Pages:370 AU$ 250.00
Kmoch Hans Rubinstein's Chess Masterpieces: 100 Selected Games Author: Kmoch Hans Date:1960 Pages:192 AU$ 50.00
Korn Walter America`s Chess Heritage. Author: Korn Walter Date:1982 Pages:302 AU$ 35.00
Kraemer, A & Zepler, E Im Banne des Schachproblems (Berlin 1951) Author: Kraemer, A & Zepler, E Date:1951 AU$ 120.00
Leve, Guy The Encyclopedia of Chess Author: Sunnucks, Anne Date:1976 Pages:619 AU$ 30.00
Mansfield, Comins Adventures in Composition. Alaine White editor/publisher London1 Author: Mansfield, Comins Date:1948 Pages:200 AU$ 170.00
Maroczy Geza & Watts. W.H. London International Chess Congress 1922 Author: Maroczy Geza & Watts. W.H. Date:2001 Pages:388 AU$ 150.00
Mason, James Social Chess. (London 1899) Author: Mason, James Date:1900 Pages:174 AU$ 150.00
Michell.E.A The Year Book of Chess 1914 Author: Stevens. M.W. Date:2005 Pages:306 AU$ 120.00
Mikhailk M. Botvinnik Anatoly Karpov: His Road to the World Championship Author: Mikhailk M. Botvinnik Year: 1978 Pages: 158 Soft Cover AU$ 25.00
Niemeijer Zo Sprak Wolfganf Pauly Author: Dr. Niemeijer, M. Date:1948 Pages:128 AU$ 80.00
Philidor, Andre Analysis of Chess; Caissa - a poem by William Jones; The Morals Author: Philidor, Andre Date:1652 Pages:313 AU$ 1 200.00

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Last Updated: Sunday, 09 March 2025 20:19